Articles tagged with Bit Manipulation
- Pseudo-Palindromic Paths in a Binary Tree - Simple DFS with palindrome test at leaves, published 2024-01-24
- K-th Symbol in Grammar - Simple Recursion, published 2023-10-25
- Parallel Courses II - DFS + DP + Bitmasking, published 2023-10-20
- Special Permutations - DP with bitmask, published 2023-06-20
- Neighboring Bitwise XOR - Simple O(n) solution, published 2023-05-15
- Substring XOR Queries - Clean HashMap solution, published 2023-02-13
- Naming a Company - HashSet for all letters, published 2023-02-09
- Number of Steps to Reduce a Number in Binary Representation to One - Simply simulate the steps, published 2022-03-27
- Subsets - Simple Iterative solution, published 2022-02-13
- Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K - HashSet 2 solutions O(n) and O(nk), published 2022-02-13
- Maximum Good People Based on Statements - [C++,Java,Python] Detailed easy to understand bitmask, published 2022-01-25
- Add Binary - Serious and non-serious solution, published 2022-01-21
- Gray Code - Python easy to understand 3 line recursive solution, published 2021-07-06